Shocking: Actor Vijay's childhood home is confiscated based on a court order...Here's why!

(This article is authored by Alar) 

In a shocking piece of news, actor Vijay's childhood home has been confiscated by the officials based on a court order in the friction between the actor's father SA Chandrasekhar and a promotional agency. The confiscation was linked to the movie that was released over a decade ago. 

According to reports, in 2011, SA Chandrasekhar directed the movie 'Sattpadi Kuttram' which starred Sathyaraj. It has been reported that Chandrasekhar had made a deal with a person named Saravanan of the promotional agency to promote his agency. The contract between them was signed and Chandrasekhar has accepted to pay Rs 76,000 for the promotion. 

However, after the promotion, Chandrasekhar has failed to make the payment as per the contract after which Saravanan filed a legal complaint against the veteran director in the Allikulam sub-court in Chennai. As per his petition, the court has directed Chandrasekhar to clear the dues, but he remained quiet. After the hearing came to the court recently, the court ordered to confiscate the director's home in Saligramam, Chennai where actor Vijay spent his childhood. 

When the officials entered Chandrasekhar's residence, it has been reported that the staff members of the director didn't allow the officials to perform their duties. Later, the support of the police was sought and there was also questioning why Chandrasekhar, who is the father of an iconic star, was unable to pay such a small amount. The court has also ordered to seize several electronic goods from Chandrasekhar's house.  

