Unlike any other world leaders, Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi has been allured by the his country's international diaspora living in the United States since he took office in 2014 and the Houston living Indian Americans, most of them who voted against US President Donald Trump in 2016, had lighted the stage for unveiling new chemistry and new bonding between Prime minister Modi and President Trump.

On his packed week long tour to the United States, Narendra Modi had overwhelmingly been received by Indians living in the US state of Texas for "Howdy, Modi" event they organized towards strengthening the shared dreams between two countries and the event had presented rare and exceptional scenes to the visiting Prime minister where it has been reported that the rally has been attended by more than 50,000 people - the biggest event with huge audience that the United States had hosted for a foreign leader.

As a surprise announcement, US President Donald Trump had announced last week that he will accompany the Indian Prime minister throughout the event where the stage had flagged the new bonding between the two leaders of democracies. While addressing Indian American diaspora, Donald Trump had termed the event as "profoundly historic" and the stadium seen the episodes of standing ovation from the audience in the middle of his speech and he expressed his gratitude for Indian ethnicity in US for upholding the values, uplifting the communities and on having Indians in America and congratulated Narendra Modi for his massive victory in 2019 general elections.

After taking the podium sealed with Indian and American flags, Narendra Modi had loudly began with expressing "Howdy my friends!" His speech was combined with Indian languages and with proclamation on his vision of taking India to new heights and furnished the developments that the country had attained under his leadership and in the middle of the stadium flooded by the people, both leaders had exchanged their commitments towards sharing the dreams for bright future and their uniting fight towards raising extremism.

Modi's week long US tour has become crucial and important overseas tour in his second edition where he will be taking the podium at the United Nations General Assembly at New York towards addressing the hall packed with World leaders after India's unilateral decision of abrogating special status from Indian semi autonomous state of Jammu and Kashmir. Narendra Modi has been in international spotlight after revoking the special status which was drastically accused by Pakistan which has been claiming the entirety over Kashmir. The heated exchanges of words and accusations between both nuclear powers had oiled the tensions and unrest among the region that has been prevailing with untoward episodes of violence and infiltration. It has been reported that Narendra Modi and his Pakistan counterpart will be engaged with tug of words in their respective addressing in the General Assembly.
However, having been welcomed by massive gathering, Modi had also encountered rounds of demonstrations by the members of Sikh and Muslim community in Houston who flagged their protest near to the stadium for voicing against his Kashmir's policy.

Texan city of Houston, the fourth largest city in the United States has been strongly cementing the platform of democratic party, though the state of Texas has been governed by Republican party and the cities of Dallas and Houston host about 3,00,000 Indians who majorly -about 75% have voted for Trump's rival Hillary Clinton in 2016 US Presidential elections.