Will India become a poverty free country? Hopes lit up through UN report..

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have released 2019 global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) which had lit up the hope among Indians to have poverty free country. 

The United Nations report said that from 2006 to 2016, India have lifted up nearly 271 million people from the grounds of poverty through its strong concentrations and improvements in the areas of sanitation, nutrition, assets and cooking fuel and it has become a country to have fastest deductions of poverty as per Multidimensional Index, which had studied the poverty conditions in 101 countries.



The report furnished that its study examined the poverty condition in 101 countries- 31 low income countries, 68 middle income and 2 high income countries which revealed that 1.3 billion people are living below poverty line which was determined under the grounds of poor health, quality of health and work and their standard of living.

The report further added that ten countries with the population of around 2 billion have significantly demonstrated towards achieving the level of ending poverty in all costs, everywhere. The ten countries which has come through significant impact are India, Bangladesh, Haiti, Vietnam, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Peru, Pakistan and Democratic republic of Congo.

Among the above ten countries, India, Ethiopia and Peru had seen dramatic decrease in the poverty hardships in all the indicators which includes nutrition, drinking water, school education, electricity, child mortality, sanitation, school attendance, housing, cooking fuels and assets where India uplifted its population under poverty through massive reduction in past decade. 



Report quoted that in 2005-06, the multidimensional poverty population in India were amounted about 640 million (55 % ) and the numbers have seen diminished to 369 million people ( 28% ) in 2015-16. The report indicated that rural poverty was on high rate in these ten countries than the urban poverty which has also been reduced due to continuous implementations of development programmes in rural areas.

However, the report also issued alarming fact that the child poverty is still on rise in all of the MPI indicators when its compared to adult poverty without having the access to the basic essentials like drinkable water, proper food and nutrition and adequate sanitation and education.

The report shows that around 1.3 billion of global population is still living under poverty and majority of them are starving poor under MPI and middle income countries homes most of them - nearly 886 million and rest of 440 million living in low income countries.

The most shocking truth is half of the global population living under poverty are children where nearly 663 million children are still facing severe poverty and around 85% of them resides in South Asia and Sub Saharan Africa.

The report concluded that the countries which were seen as darkest land of poverty have now been set up positive impact in lifting its population from poverty and hopes of Indians are now lit up to witness that India is one of those significant countries working to have poverty free world.

