Despite the restrictions invoked by the Tamil Nadu government in celebrating the Vinayagar Chathurthi at the public places, the members of Hindu Munnani had defied the prohibitions and went to install Ganesh idols at public places and as the sequel of the violation, the Tamil Nadu police had booked several members of the outfit for defying the ban.
The violations of the government order were reported from the districts of Coimbatore, Dindigul, and Tenkasi where the members of the Hindu group had reportedly installed Ganesha idols at public places and tried to take the idols for processions. According to the reports, the Coimbatore police had reported violations to the government's order in seven spots, and the police personnel had seized the statues and filed seven FIRs against the members of Hindu Munnani.
There was a similar scale of violation at Tenkasi district where the district police had arrested a Hindu Munnani member for trying to install a Vinayagar statue in a public place. The member was arrested by the Sengottai police and a police official said that the officers spotted the violation of order on Saturday morning when they were patrolling and surveilling the area in the wake of the festival.
The police said they have immediately seized the statue and filed the case against a Hindu Munnani member and added that they have been waiting for the order on what has to be done on the statue. In Dindigul district, the members of the Hindu Munnani had installed Ganesha idol in the village, and initially, the police castigated them. However, the members of the village went ahead to celebrate the festival in public places as the village is well known for grandly celebrating Vinayagar Chathurthi.
On Saturday, the police went to the village and held talks with the members who put up the statue. The violations have come when the government and High Court had strictly imposed a ban on installation and procession of Ganesh idols and immersion of idols in the water bodies in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak and restrictions as these sequence of events would converge large gathering of people.
On Friday, the Madras High Court upheld the orders of the Tamil Nadu government and issued directives in permitting only individuals to immerse the idols on the water bodies. The High court had banned the installations and processions at the public places and directed people to celebrate at their homes and private places. By restricting the immersion at Marina Beach, the court said that only individuals can immerse the idols in the rest of the water bodies in Chennai.
Earlier, Hindu Munnani had publicly announced that it would defy the ban and would install the idols at public places. As announced, the Tamil Nadu police had noticed the violations and booked the responsible members of the Hindu outfit. Chennai Police Commissioner Mahesh Kumar Agarwal said, "10,000 police personnel have been deployed for smooth conduct of Vinayak Chaturthi in Chennai. We've held meetings with several organisations & they've assured us cooperation"