US Elections: The latest poll reveals who is leading in the race to the White House!

The United States is on the verge of unfolding the climax of what the entire world is keenly waiting for as the world's powerful economy is a day ahead of proving the power of democracy. In what has been dubbed as an important election in the lifetime of every American voter, the race to the White House has arrived at the final stage after witnessing unprecedented campaign trials across the country. 

While incumbent Donald Trump has strongly been eyeing to hold the office for four more years, his opponent Joe Biden has vowed that he would make sure Trump won't have another term of presidency. Armed with his former boss President Barack Obama on his side, Joe Biden, the former vice-president, has come a long way with a strong audacity to oust the incumbent from the office. 

As both the opponents are keeping their age aside in the fight, the country and the world are two days ahead in knowing the winner, who would write how the world's strongest economy would look like in the next four years. The last four years of Trump had levied more challenges for him to take the baton for the next four years. From his governing style, flawed leadership, and his response and handling of the COVID-19 outbreak, Donald Trump has seemingly written the end of his presidency. 

With the magic number of 270, both the candidates had unleashed their campaigns mostly in the swing states that are crucial for the victory. According to the poll conducted by the New York Times and Siena College, former Vice-President Joe Biden holds a clear advantage over President Donald Trump across four of the most important presidential swing states - Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Biden is ahead of Trump in these four states and the former VP is likely to fish these states on his boat to hit the magic number. 

The NYT polls say that Biden has got the support of voters who didn't show up in the 2016 election and these voters are now be casting the votes mainly for the Democrat. Of these four crucial states, Biden majorly leads Trump in Wisconsin as the former had got 52 percent of support against the latter who got 41 percent. The New York Times had released the poll on Sunday, two days ahead of the November 3 Presidential election. 

The poll, which Trump would hate, has likely conveyed the message to the President to get mentally prepared for exiting the White House and if Biden goes by the poll and if he secures lead in three of these four states, he would be nearing the victory and if he manages to win Florida, Biden would most probably be winning the election with the margin higher than what Donald Trump got in the 2016 election when he defeated Hillary Clinton. 

In the closing days of the campaign, Biden has a decent margin against Trump in the key state of Florida. Biden has ended up securing 47 percent of voter support against 44 percent that went for Trump while the Democratic nominee leads the incumbent in both Arizona and Pennsylvania by six points. The reports say that Biden had no way slipped behind Trump in any of the swing states, which would be the gamechanger. 

Besides NYT, CNN has reported that Biden holds an advantage in the states like Wisconsin and Michigan while the candidates would have a tough fight in battleground states like Arizona and North Carolina. According to the New York Times, Trump is facing staunch opposition from the people of color, women, young voters,  senior citizens, and particularly, Trump has largely earned a dislike from the new voters. 

Voters in the United States have an option of early and mail-in voting and they don't have to wait until election day to cast their ballots and they can access the option and can cast their votes early through mail or in-person voting. According to the United States Elections Project, at least 92 million people had voted early either in person or by mail, which is a record in the US Presidential elections. 

The NYT survey had shown that Biden had got a broad advantage among the early voters, which holds a significant outcome in deciding the results. CNN had conducted a survey from October 23 to 30 and it had covered nearly 1000 adult voters each in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Arizona and most of the voters are in favor of Biden. As the election day closes by November 3, the results would be emerging from November 4 during which America and the world would see who had won the race to the White House. 

With the wind going in favor of Joe Biden, the election has been dominated by the COVID-19 outbreak, economy, foreign policy, healthcare, unemployment, and retorting to the emerging global challenges including climate change. Amid having the least margin towards victory, Trump has been filling up his Twitter wall with a series of tweets and with a sound of confident, Trump has on Sunday said that his numbers are looking very good all over and stated that sleepy Joe is already beginning to pull out of certain states. 

With multiple allegations on the fray, Donald Trump is on the real acid test as the American voters would be answering him through their ballots of whether he deserves to hold the office for four more years. If Biden wins the presidency, there would be only one thing that Trump can relish and that's he is not the oldest president of the United States anymore as his successor, Biden is three years older than him.  

