Microsoft claims that the new Bing will provide more relevant results to simple inquiries while also being able to find and summarise answers to more complex ones.
Google was also requested to "not restrict app developers from using third-party billing/payment processing services", taking the total penalty to ₹ 2,274 crore.
If the mandate is passed into law, Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp will be required to identify users of their services using a verifiable method of identification.
On the lost subscribers, the US and Canada home to the highest number of cancellations in the quarter, followed by Europe. Netflix is currently redrafting its subscription plans and revising its strategies to stem stronger.
"The board of directors has at their meeting held on June 27, 2022, noted the resignation of Mr. Mukesh D Ambani as director of the company effective from close of working hours on June 27, 2022," Jio informed the stock exchanges.