Tamil Nadu Police Chief JK Tripathy cancels leave of all police officers: Here's why!

Tamil Nadu's Director-General of Police JK Tripathy has on Tuesday issued a new order to cancel the leave of the police officers in Chennai in the wake of the ongoing assembly session. The assembly session, which is the first of the current and 16th assembly, has begun on Monday with a customary speech of Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit. 

According to reports, Tripathy has ordered to cancel all the leaves granted to the police officers in Chennai and directed them to return to the duty to handle the security measures, apparatus, and traffic management for the ongoing assembly session, which will be held till June 24. The session is taking place in Kalaivanar Arangam on the grounds of COVID-19 protocols and guidelines. 

Tripathy had issued a circular asking the department heads to cancel leaves granted to all officers and also ordered that the officers already on leave return to duty immediately to handle the escort, bandobast, and traffic management duties. According to reports, this is the first session after MK Stalin assumed the office of the Chief Minister. 

In his customary speech, Governor Purohit has on Monday unveiled major announcements in the assembly and laid out the policies and governance of the current government. During his speech, Purohit had emphasized state autonomy and federalism and said that the state government will sternly stand in defence of the rights of the states and constitutionally oppose any infringement of such rights. 

He said, "At the same time, we (Tamil Nadu) will maintain a cordial relationship with the Union government as partners in the process of nation-building, in line with our policy of extending our hand in friendship, even as we speak up for our rights." 

By highlighting that the government is guided by the ethos of the Dravidian movement, Purohit said social justice, gender equality, economic equity, the opportunity for all through reservations, and progress through education and social reforms will drive every legislation and every scheme of the new government. On Tuesday, during the second session, the assembly had passed a resolution of paying tributes to the deceased members and notable people including Padma Shri Vivek and renowned writer Ki Rajanarayanan. 

