After camping off his three nations tour, the Chief minister of Tamil Nadu had returned to Chennai this morning along with the delegation. Upon his arrival in the airport, he addressed the reporters in the middle of having warm welcome, where he told that he will soon visit Israel to study and to analyze about the irrigation system which is in place in that country by using less water.
He further stated that the maiden overseas visit to three countries had seen signing about 40 agreements and Memorandum of Understandings that would pour in foreign investments worth of Rs 8,835 crore and assured that the state will carpet employment for more than 35,000 people after the companies had soiled their investments.
While in his address, he proclaimed that the overseas visit had met with huge and significant success after the foreign potential investors and the companies had understood the economic platform which has been laid down in the state of Tamil Nadu. His cabinet ministerial colleagues and senior officials were present while the Chief minister was speaking to the media.
The fortnight tour for the United Kingdom, the United States and the Arab Emirates was maiden overseas tour for the Chief minister and the cabinet ministers after assuming their respective offices that was carried out with the aim of acquiring knowledge and investments from the western countries to the state of Tamil Nadu.
The Chief minister, along with his delegation had emplaned on August 28th, 2019 from Chennai airport where the delegation had first reached London, the British capital. The delegation had held meetings and discussions with the London medical experts on pursuing the investments towards upgrading the healthcare sector in the state of Tamil Nadu.
The Delegation then traveled to the United States and had organized business and investors meet in the Empire state of New York and in the golden state of California where it has been reported that nearly dozens of US based companies had exchanged agreements with the state delegation that have said to create nearly 10,000 employment opportunities in the state. As their last leg of their three nations tour, the delegation had toured Dubai in the Arab Emirates where the Chief minister had took part in the investors summit organized by the Indian Embassy and by the business heads of Dubai before returning to Chennai.