Tamil Nadu has been struggling with the incessant rainfall for over three weeks and the historical downpour had triggered heavy inundation and massive disruption across the state, mostly in the coastal districts including Chennai. The capital city and different parts of the state have been receiving heavy rainfall since Thursday morning and the current spell of the downpour had claimed several lives across the state and thousands have been evacuated and housed in temporary shelters.
The death toll caused by the current spell stood at five till Friday and it has now been reported that three more people have died in the state on Saturday - November 27. Tamil Nadu Revenue and Disaster Management Minister KKSSR Ramachandran has on Saturday said that three more rain-related deaths were reported in the state. These deaths were reported in Ariyalur, Tirunelveli, and Tirupur districts, one each.
He said that the current spell of the rainfall had killed 344 cattle while damaging 2,202 huts and 273 concrete houses. The minister further said 11,239 people had been accommodated in 123 relief centres in 14 districts, including Tiruvallur, Kancheepuram, Chengalpet, Cuddalore, Nagappattinam, Tuticorin, Pudukottai, Ariyalur, Perambalur, Dindigul, Tirupattur, Ranipet, Vellore, and Tiruvannamalai. Over 650 people living in the low-lying areas of Chennai have been shifted to relief centres.
The Greater Chennai Corporation has distributed 825 food packets to needy people. He stated that Tamil Nadu had received 75% excess rainfall during the northeast monsoon for the period between October 1 and November 27. Five districts have reported extreme departure of rainfall from the normal rainfall - Villupuram (145%), Tirupattur (138%), Coimbatore (116%), Kanyakumari (105%), and Trichy (95%). Avadi in the Tiruvallur district had recorded 199mm of rainfall, the highest in the state, followed by Mamallaupuram (181.1mm) and Chengalpet (177 mm).
The reports say that power supply was disrupted in 12 localities in North Chennai and eight localities in South Chennai due to inundation. Amid bracing up disruption, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has made a prediction that a fresh low-pressure area is likely to form by next week. On Thursday, the IMD has said that a fresh low-pressure area is likely to form over the south Andaman sea around November 29 and this new system will become more marked and move west-northwestwards during the subsequent 48 hours.