Kauvery Hospital in Chennai, where superstar Rajinikanth has been getting treated, has on Friday issued its first official medical statement concerning the actor's health condition. He was admitted to the hospital on Thursday evening after he complained of health discomforts. The sudden hospitalization has shocked his fans across and beyond the borders and the veteran actor has been flooded with wishes from the people to have a speedy recovery.
Earlier this week, Rajinikanth has etched a history by becoming the laureate of India's highest honour for cinema, the Dadasaheb Phalke Award that was bestowed on him by India's Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu. With the honour, Rajinikanth had met President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi and he also had an important occasion of launching the new social media platform - 'Hoote', that was built by his younger daughter Soundarya. The Superstar had left an emotional voice note after launching the platform.
When the superstar fans were in double delight over the Dadasaheb Phalke Award and the release of 'Annaatthe' during Diwali, they braced up a shocking piece of news that the actor was hospitalized in Chennai. His hospitalization has stirred a barrage of opinions on social media and worried the fans. Following such development, Rajinikanth's family had assured the fans that there was no cause of concern and that the actor was admitted for a routine health check-up.
Rajinikanth had complained of a headache and uneasiness following which he was admitted to Kauvery Hospital in Chennai at around 7.30 pm on Thursday. The reports had affirmed that the superstar has been on the path of recovery and will be discharged in two days. It was also reported that Rajinikanth had undergone an MRI scan which had revealed a burst blood vessel. The actor was diagnosed with an infarction, which is a condition caused by obstruction of the blood supply to an organ or region of tissue.
While there had been a pile of speculations over his health condition, the hospital had issued its official statement concerning Rajinikanth's health. It has affirmed that the actor is recovering well and will be discharged in a few days. In a statement that was signed by Kauvery Hospital's Executive Director Dr Aravindan Selvaraj, the hospital said, "Mr Rajinikanth was admitted in Kauvery Hospital, Alwarpet, Chennai, yesterday (28th Oct 2021) following an episode of giddiness. He was thoroughly evaluated by the expert panel of doctors and was advised to undergo Carotid Artery revascularization."
"The procedure was performed successfully today (29th Oct 2021) and he is recovering well. He is likely to be discharged from the hospital after a few days", the hospital added. According to reports, the carotid artery is a surgical procedure that removes plaque from the inside of the carotid artery in order to restore normal blood flow to the brain. Earlier on Thursday, Rajinikanth's publicist Riaz Ahmed had told the media that this was a routine health check-up. As the superstar has been hospitalized, around 30 police personnel have been deployed to the hospital for security purposes and to prevent the fans from entering the hospital premises.
Rajinikanth was admitted following an episode of giddiness. He was thoroughly evaluated & was advised to undergo Cartoid Artery revascularisation. Procedure was performed successfully today. He is likely to be discharged from the hospital after few days: Kauvery Hospital, Chennai pic.twitter.com/HAITQ5ji84
— ANI (@ANI) October 29, 2021