Superstar Rajinikanth was heartbroken after learning about the demise of his close friend V M Sudhakar, who was leading the outfit of the legendary actor, Rajini Makkal Mandram. Sudhakar, who was active in organizing the outfit when Rajinikanth was close to enter politics, had been with the Superstar for decades and was one of his loyal aides.
Sudhakar was an ardent fan of Rajinikanth and then became his close adviser. He was Rajinikanth's voice in the outfit. Sudhakar was Rajinikanth's go-to person when it came to organizing the meeting of fans and functionaries. He made headlines years back when Rajinikanth was closely-watched about his political moves and meeting his fans across the state.
Sudhakar was suffering from kidney cancer for a past few months and was getting treated. He was not active in Rajini Makkal Mandram and was regularly hospitalized. Amid receiving treatments, Sudhakar passed away on Friday - January 6, which saddened Rajinikanth and his fans. After learning about his shocking demise, several fans from across and beyond the borders have been paying tributes to him and expressing condolences to the bereaving family.
Joining the fans, Rajinikanth had also mourned the loss of his close and loyal aide. Taking to Twitter, Rajinikanth wrote, "I am deeply saddened by the passing away of my dear friend V M Sudhakar. My deepest condolences to his family and all who are bereaved. May his soul rest in peace." Sudhakar's mortal remain was kept at his residence in Lotus Colony, Anna Nagar, Chennai.
Rajinikanth visited the residence and paid homage to Sudhakar and consoled his family. Speaking to the reporters after paying homage, the actor said that he had more memories with Sudhakar and he was a good friend. Earlier, there were a slew of claims on social media that Rajinikanth was not helping Sudhakar in his hospitalization. However, Sudhakar denied that and affirmed that the actor was helping him financially.
In a statement that he released on November 13, 2022, Sudhakar said, "The leader (Rajinikanth) actually took care of my entire medical expenses for the past one year for my kidney cancer treatment without a second thought. Till now, he is the only one providing financial and moral support for which our entire family will be eternally grateful."
என்னுடைய அருமை நண்பர் வி.எம்.சுதாகர் நம்மை விட்டுப் பிரிந்தது எனக்கு மிகவும் வருத்தமளிக்கிறது. அவரை இழந்து வாடும் அவருடைய குடும்பத்தினருக்கும் மற்றும் அனைவருக்கும் என் ஆழ்ந்த அனுதாபங்கள். அவர் ஆத்மா சாந்தியடையட்டும். @SudhakarVM
— Rajinikanth (@rajinikanth) January 6, 2023
— Sudhakar (@SudhakarVM) November 13, 2022