In Tamil Nadu, two Thalas are popular across the ages - one is reputed actor Ajith and the other is ace cricketer MS Dhoni. Both of these legends have been fondly called Thala by their fans for several years. However, this trend is coming to an end and the person who was behind to end this trend is Ajith himself. The fans would call him Thala more than his name, the fashion which he wishes to end.
In an unprecedented move, Ajith has on Wednesday - December 1, issued a press release through his PRO Suresh Chandra in which he requested the fans to stop calling him 'Thala'. His press release has been going viral on social media and the fans claim that relinquishing the title 'Thala' is the next big move from Ajith after dissolving his fan clubs. While some had welcomed the move, a section of fans says that the title has been etched in the Indian cinema and that it can't be removed from their hearts.
The fans also celebrate his decision and said that there has always been a reason why Ajith is called Thala. Ajith himself has expressed his wish that he can be called as just Ajith, Ajith Kumar, or just AK and not as Thala. Addressing the release to the public, media, and fans, Ajith's statement said, "The respected members of the media, public and genuine fans, I henceforth wish to be referred to as Ajith, Ajith Kumar, or just AK n (sic) not as 'Thala' or any other prefix b4 (sic) my name."
"I sincerely wish you all a beautiful life filled with Good health, happiness, success, peace of mind, and contentment forever. Love, Ajith", the actor added. It must be noted that Ajith's name was prefixed by Thala after his movie 'Dheena' that was released in 2001 and it was actually the beginning of Ajith as an action hero. While he was called Thala, his rival in the industry Vijay was called Thalapathy by the fans and being Thala Thalapathy fans, there were episodes where they clashed with each other on social media whenever the movie or updates about the actors were made public.
Ajith has decided to stop the trend of calling him Thala after two decades and his announcement had earned him commendations from across and beyond the borders. Ajith's world is unique and besides acting in the movies, he would spend his quality time in what he loves, which includes racing, adventure, and shooting. He neither has official handles on social media nor would take part in the events of his movie. In 2011, Ajith had dissolved his fan clubs and said that he was not happy about some people misusing his name for political gains.
In line with that, he has now decided to end the title that was fondly made up by the fans. On the work front, Ajith is awaiting the release of much expected Valimai in Pongal 2022. Valimai is an action thriller movie bankrolled by Boney Kapoor under the banner of Bayview Projects and directed by H Vinoth. While Ajith plays the lead role, Huma Qureshi, Kartikeya Gummakonda, Yogi Babu, and Pavel Navageethan would be playing important roles. Yuvan Shankar Raja has composed the music and Nirav Shah and Vijay Velukutty had done cinematography and editing respectively.
— Suresh Chandra (@SureshChandraa) December 1, 2021