In recent times, Vels Film International has been cementing its growth steadily in Tamil Cinema Industry. The founder and Chancellor of Vels University Ishari Ganesh, who owns the film production company which is active for many years, has been becoming as one of the notable producers in the cinema industry since the past few years after he produced and presented the movies like 'L.K.G', 'Comali', and 'Puppy'. On Sunday, Nov 24th, 2019, Ishari Ganesh had hosted a grand event in Chennai for celebrating the consecutive success of the three movies. The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Edappadi Palaniswami took part in the event as its Chief Guest and presented the souvenir for the actors and the movie crews.
One of the renowned and reputed directors of Tamil Industry Gautam Menon had participated in the event as he has been working closely with Ishari Ganesh on his movies. Currently, Gautam Menon directs the movie 'Joshua: Imai Pol Kakka' which is produced by Ganesh's Vels Film international and starring Varun, a relative of Ishari Ganesh in the lead role.
Gautam Menon had turned the event as an emotional one while he was addressing the audience. In the middle of his speech, he thanked Ishari Ganesh for releasing the movie 'Enai Noki Paayum Thota' that has been delayed for many years with a series of issues and disputes. Ishari Ganesh had intervened recently and announced that the movie will hit the screens on November 29th,2019.
Gautam Menon has spoken extensively about the help and support of Ishari Ganesh on releasing the movie. He further cited that "In general, I won't carry the hardships, sorrows, and stresses of my work to my home as I'll change for my family if I go home. He added that "it's been a long while since I worked happily out of the home". He thanked Ishari Ganesh for bringing back the happiness in his works for the past two months and Ishari Ganesh is the only person who makes the team smile. He concluded that with the support and the effort from Ishari Ganesh, 'Enai Nokki Paayum Thota' is going to hit the big screens very soon.