In the wake of the spread of H3N2 influenza in Tamil Nadu, the state has been in a concern and after the Puducherry government has announced that the schools will be closed for ten days owing to the cases of influenza, there has been speculations that the Tamil Nadu government would declare a similar closure to the schools to ease the concerns among the students and parents.
However, the Tamil Nadu government has officially announced that there will be no holidays for schools and that the H3N2 cases aren't soaring in the state. Tamil Nadu Health Minister Ma Subramanian said that there will not be any holidays for students up to Class 9 amidst the virus scare. The health minister further said that there is no rise of cases in Tamil Nadu and urged the people not to spread rumours.
Subramanian instructed the people to isolate themselves if they report fever and influenza and asked them to wear masks and observe physical distancing. He also advised the people to adhere to the Covid-19 protocol in the state. The state health department has directed all the district administrations to closely monitor the increasing cases of fever in their respective districts.
The health minister said, "We are conducting over 1,000 medical camps on a day-to-day basis. We have conducted 1,586 medical camps today and this has been going on over the last few days. There has been no case of serious illness or requirement of admission into intensive care units. There is no need to panic." The Puducherry government announced a holiday for all schools up to Class 8 from March 16 to March 26 in view of the spread of H3N2 cases.
The H3N2 symptoms in Tamil Nadu are throat pain and body ache. The state health department has installed about 476 mobile medical units across the state and even if a single infection was reported, the entire area has been screened completely. It has been reported that this has been a seasonal influenza, which causes an acute respiratory infection.