With the directions of the Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, the state's Director General of Police Loknath Behera has reached out his Tamil Nadu counterpart Jalad K.Tripathy with the view of urging fair, speedy and effective investigation on the suicide of Fathima Latheef, a student of Kerala native, who had hanged herself to death in the hostel room in the premises of IIT Madras on November 9th, 2019.
The public works minister of Kerala G Sudhakaran had read the response of the Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan in the state legislative assembly where he asserted that the Chief Minister had given necessary directions to the state's chief executive of Police to contact the head of Tamil Nadu police after the parents of the deceased student had met with the Chief Minister on Thursday and tabled a petition to him in seeking the government's intervention.
On Thursday, Abdul Latheef, the father of Fathima Latheef has claimed the death as mysterious and requested the intervention of Kerala state government to urge the Tamil Nadu police department to conduct fair, independent and effective investigations to expose the reason behind the suicide of Fathima Latheef. Through his response to the Kerala Assembly, the Chief Minister had stated that the case has currently been booked in Kotturpuram police station in Chennai under Section 174 of CrPC- unnatural death.
The statement from Pinarayi Vijayan had revealed that the Kerala DGP has already spoken to the police commissioner of Chennai where the city's commissioner had cited that the case has been transferred to the Central Crime Branch that would be overviewed directly by him and the investigations have been carried out by the special team chaired by a woman police officer who is in the rank of Additional Superintendent of Police.
The response from the Chief Minister Vijayan, which cites that the state government is been intervening in the investigations, has come after MLA of Eravipuram, Kerala M Noushad said in the assembly that the police department of Tamil Nadu has been possessing negative attitude in the investigations that would lead to having no fair probe without the intervention of Kerala government. Noushad further added that Fathima Latheef could have possibly faced extreme harassment by the professors of her department in IIT Madras. On Friday, the state higher education minister K T Jaleel had met with the family of Fathima in their hometown of Kollam during which he assured the support from the Kerala government.
On November 9th, Fathima Latheef, a native of Kerala who was pursuing her first-year postgraduate course in Humanities and Social Services had allegedly committed suicide in the premises of the institute and while it was initially told that she could have hanged herself by citing low marks in the examinations, her suicide note that was in her mobile phone had revealed that she could have been harassed by her department and by the professors which have now ignited huge protests to demand action against the professors whom she had referred in her suicide note.
Earlier on Friday, Abdul Latheef met with the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Edappadi Palaniswami at his residence in Chennai where he demanded a fair probe behind his daughter's death and the reports say that the Chief Minister had assured him that the guilty would be brought to justice. Before meeting the Chief Minister, Adbul Latheef had met with the state's opposition leader M K Stalin and sought his support in the case.