COVID-19...Ayurvedic Preventive Measures!

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been labeled as the global pandemic and this new entry in the line of the deadliest epidemics has been causing major damages to the countries, putting thousands to interminable sleep, making lakhs to lose their sleep, and plummeting the global markets and economy. The World Health Organization has declared the crisis as a global emergency while the Secretary-General of the United Nations had called the spread of the pandemic as the biggest crisis since World War II.

The world countries have been racing each other to discover the vaccine and the potential remedy to counter the virus. However, with the available data, the specific vaccine or a drug to treat the virus would not be ready until at least the middle of the next year. As the virus has been on the accelerating pace, we now must rely on 'Prevention is better than cure' as through taking the preventive measures, we can get rid of from the pandemic and through us, Vaidyar Prasad and Dr.Dershana Dileep of Chennai Ayurveda Pharmacy are prescribing the ayurvedic procedures to you to prevent yourself from the contagion.

"Life starts with the breath and ends in breathlessness"

We do know that the virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person (generated through coughing and sneezing). Individuals can also be infected from touching the surfaces contaminated with the virus and touching their faces like eyes, nose, and mouth. While COVID-19 continuous to spread, it's our responsibility to prevent further transmission, reduce the impact of the outbreak and support control measures.

Here are the ayurvedic procedures that can be practiced:

1) Steam bath twice a day by using drugs like,

  • Vitex Negundo (Chinese chastetree)
  • Azadirachta indica (Neem)
  • Ricinus communis (castor oil plant)
  • Eucalyptus leaves
  • Elettaria cardamomum (green cardamom)
  • Syzygium aromaticum (Cloves)
  • Plectranthus amboinicus (Mexican mint)

2) Gargling can be done with salt water and turmeric powder

3) Pratimarsha Nasya ( the daily practice which helps in preventing the diseases) can be done daily.

4) Apply coconut oil, sesame oil or ghee in mouth and nostrils twice a day.

5) The decoction made of coffee powder, dry ginger, pepper, Thulasi leaves, cumin seeds, cardamom, and cloves.

6) Induce vomiting using warm salt water and honey for the expulsion of phlegm.

Medicines that can be used:

  • Dasamoola Kashayam.
  • Dasamoola katutrayam Kashayam.
  • Amruthotharam Kashayam.
  • Indukantham Kashayam.
  • Thalisapatradi choornam.
  • Sudarshana choornam.
  • Vasarishtam.
  • Kanakasavam.
  • Kushmanda Rasayanam.
  • Agasthya Rasayanam.
  • Vilwadi Lehyam.


