COVID-19: Here are the basic hand-washing techniques to prevent ourselves!

The Coronavirus (COVID19) has been declared as a global pandemic after it has emerged as a global threat from being a Wuhan epicentric virus. The epidemic has originated from the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019 and it increased rampantly across the countries before the world stood up to counter the virus. In a short period of time, the epidemic had its presence in all the continents apart from Antarctica and it has caused unprecedented damages and devastations and plummeted the global economy. 

As of Friday, the virus has affected nearly 160 countries and infected more than 2,45,000 people worldwide and claimed more than 10,000 lives and the pandemic has been testing the capabilities of the world towards combating such deadliest epidemics. Coronavirus has become the most spoken word across the world and while the numbers have been increasing, the doctors and medical experts pour hope that the pandemic can be contained and we can prevent ourselves from becoming a victim through staying vigil and following precautionary measures.

One of the most important factors is prioritizing our personal hygiene. By ensuring cleanliness and personal hygiene, we can safeguard from the virus and from where does it start? Through washing hands, regularly. Although we have some routine techniques to wash our hands, experts recommend the techniques through which we must wash our hands. We must wash our hands for at least 20 seconds during every episode of hand wash and this article brings the techniques that have to be followed to shield ourselves from the pandemic.

These techniques are simple, easy to follow, and more efficient.

1) Wash the hands completely with water. Take a sufficient amount of soap and handwash to wash our hands.

2) First, let's wash our palms completely. Keep the fingers together and rub the palms together.



3) Next, rub the backsides of the hands completely. The backside on the left hand must be rubbed using the right hand's palm and the backside of the right hand must be rubbed using the left hand's palm.



4) After rubbing the palms and backsides, we have to clean the area between the fingers of both hands. We have to rub the fingers of both hands together to make sure that the soap or handwash cleans the lateral area of our hands.


5) Next, we must rub the tip of the fingers to ensure that the nails remain clean.



6) Finally, we have to clean the thumb fingers of our hands.



7) After washing the hands, ensure to wipe the hands with the piece of clean cloth or fresh tissue papers.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), washing hands regularly would kill viruses that lie on our hands. Adding to that, we must ensure that everything around us is clean and tidy and the WHO has recommended maintaining social distancing. As per its guidelines, its safe to maintain at least three feet distance between ourselves and anyone who is coughing or sneezing as the tiny particles that get spat out may carry the virus and it would affect us directly.

The organization has vowed to avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth. Hands can touch many surfaces and it can carry viruses and if we touch our eyes or nose, the virus would be transmitted and enter our body. It has also asked to follow good respiratory hygiene. Although the virus has been rapidly spreading, we can contain and combat the pandemic if we ensure to prioritize personal hygiene and routinely following health advisories issued by the governments.

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