'From Corona helmet to spot punishments' -How TN police treat violators?

Social distancing has become the recent trending term across the country as from Indian Prime Minister to the local health officials have been urging the people to maintain and observe social distancing to reduce the risk of getting infected by the Coronavirus and they have been rolling out whatever it takes to make the people abide by the government advisories and imposing the unprecedented nationwide lockdown has been a part of the preventive measure towards ensuring that the people stay indoors and refrain from unnecessary travels.

Along with the Central government, various state governments including Tamil Nadu have brought their respective territories under lockdown and the Tamil Nadu government has imposed curfew under section 144 to restrict the movements of people and cease the transportation channels and the government has appealed to the people to stay at home and avoid travels so that they stay safe from getting victimized by the human to human transmitting virus, that has been labeled as a global pandemic.

Inspector Babu, with the Corona helmet, creating awarness to the kid about the virus in Chennai - March 28, 2020


The Tamil Nadu government, apart from taking preventive measures, has also deployed the law enforcement agency across the state to monitor that no one violates the prohibitory orders under curfew. However, there were some people spotted outside without understanding the need for the curfew and 21 days nationwide lockdown and the threat posed by the virus and so far the Tamil Nadu police have booked more than 3000 cases against the curfew violators who defied the lockdown and apart from regular patrolling, the police have also been finding time to create awareness for the people about the virus - some asking the people to wear masks, some prescribing the techniques for handwash, and some announcing the advisories.

Apart from these, a Chennai cop had birthed a new, unique and scary way for creating the awareness by wearing a 'Corona' helmet - the scrapped helmet that was redesigned in the form of Coronavirus. Spreading awareness about Coronavirus in the form of Coronavirus might work out amid the regular forms of awareness and it, in fact, worked, according to Inspector Rajesh Babu, who put up such helmet while speaking to the commuters and riders in Chennai. While speaking to ANI, Rajesh Babu said "We had been talking to the public. But awareness among them is very less. So we thought of doing something different. We designed a helmet that looks like coronavirus. We thought of doing something which will scare the people and make them stay at home". Creative way indeed!

Police department punishing the violators in Anna Nagar, Chennai - March 27, 2020


On the other hand, the state police department has been rewarding spot punishments for the people who caught up for violating the curfew and each one differs from the other. Amid the patrolling, the police personnel had captured dozens of people who wandered in Anna Nagar, Chennai on Friday and apart from issuing regular warnings, the police seized their vehicles and made them stand on the road for few minutes before letting them go. In Ranipet district, the police authorities have barricaded the riders on the Chennai- Bengaluru highway on Friday and ordered them to take a pledge on the spot that they won't violate the curfew. The authorities have issued the face mask to the riders and let them go with a severe warning that they would be booked under appropriate acts if seen violating again.

A policeman beats a rider in Erode, Tamil Nadu amid the curfew


In the Kanyakumari district, the police officers have turned as professors to contain the violators. This would be more interesting. The police department in Thuckalay in the district had stopped the riders who made unnecessary travels and the police issued a question paper regarding Coronavirus to the violaters and made them sit on the road and ordered to clear the answers on the spot. Some of the questions include which country the virus originated and who is Corona's partner and the police corrected the answers on the spot and made the riders perform five sit-ups for each wrong answer and the riders took the pledge after which they were cleared to go. The district police had conducted such on spot exams for hundred violators so far.

However, besides these sorts of awareness taken by the police to constraint the unnecessary movements of people, the department has been accused of treating the people who travel for essential services the same way it did for the violators. They have been criticized for beating the people before they ask what was the purpose they came out while some police officers can be seen pressuring the people to shut down the shops that supply essential services and in some places, the conversation between the police and the people went into heated arguments. These issues, including the people at large amid the curfew and the police arguments have been causing disturbances and these incidents raise doubts whether the lockdown is not serving its purpose or the people reportedly nullifying the government advisories and directives during a high time when the nation is facing a crisis, caused by the micro menace.

