On Friday, more than 250 lawyers of the Madras High Court, along with the law students, had held a demonstration to voice against the Citizenship Amendment Act and formed a human chain in front of the high court campus and during the protests that lasted for about an hour, the lawyers were seen carrying the posters and placards against the amended Act and they unanimously read the Preamble of the Constitution.
It was the first of such kind demonstration hosted by the lawyers that was stretched from the Bar council to the High court premises and the demonstration had seen the participation of the advocates of the state opposition parties and the advocates with no political base and they held a human chain to showcase their unanimous support for the demonstration that began at 10.30 am and concluded by around 11.20 am during which they read out the preamble of the constitution before wrapping up their protests against the Act.

By voicing against the amended Citizenship Act, the advocates also protested the Chennai police crackdown against the people who carried out Kolam protests in the state peacefully. It must be recalled that last Sunday, the Chennai police had spurred fresh criticism over detaining multiple women in Besant Nagar, Chennai for organizing Kolam protests in which they drew anti CAA Kolams in front of their residences.
Some of the senior lawyers including Sudha Ramalingam, Kannadasan, and Nalini Chidambaram were joined the demonstration and they cited that their protests were against all forms of unconstitutional behavior of the BJP government and added that the nation would be ruined unless they fail to protest at this high time.