Former Tamil Nadu Deputy Chief Minister Panneerselvam has on Friday moved to a new residence in Chennai after vacating the government's bungalow in Greenways Road following the defeat in the recently-held assembly elections in the state. Panneerselvam, who is ADMK's Coordinator, will fully be relocating to his new residence on Sunday.
According to reports, Panneerselvam has found his new residence near veteran actor Sivaji Ganesan's house in T Nagar, Chennai and he has moved most of his belongings from the government bungalow to his new residence. The reports say that the government bungalow, in which Panneerselvam was residing, has now been allocated to Tamil Nadu School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi.
His shifting has come after a month of the party's unprecedented defeat in the polls. Greenways Road houses the residences for the cabinet ministers of the state government and these residences are controlled by the public works department. Whenever there is a power transition in the state, there shall be a compulsion from the ruling government to the ministers of the former government to vacate the residences at Greenways Road to make way for their successors.
It was a tradition for the ministers to vacate the government residences after losing the elections. It was initially reported that Panneerselvam has booked an apartment in Raja Annamalaipuram in the city. However, he has now been moved to the residence in T Nagar. According to the government's norms, former ministers would enjoy a grace period of two months since demitting the office to vacate the bungalow.
So far, more than 20 ADMK Ministers had vacated their respective bungalows. However, on the other hand, MK Stalin has permitted his successor Edappadi Palaniswami to stay at the government's bungalow. The former Chief Minister has requested the government to permit him to stay at the bungalow as he has been serving as the Opposition Leader at the assembly, which is equivalent to the rank of minister.
Palaniswami has been staying in the government bungalow, Sevvanthi, ever since he became a member of former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa's cabinet in 2011. After his request, Stalin's government has now permitted Edappadi Palaniswami to continue his stay at the bungalow without paying rent.
The state public works department has issued an allotment order to the former Chief Minister, and the allotment was made without fixation on rent. The department has directed the buildings wing and the Chennai regional office to permit the Opposition Leader to reside in the same bungalow.