In an unanticipated development, Tamil actor Soori has launched a legal fight against the father of popular actor Vishnu Vishal and against film producer Anbuvel Rajan after the comedian alleged that they cheated him of Rs 2.70 crore. Soori has approached Adyar Police station to file cases against Vishnu Vishal's father Ramesh Kudawla and film producer Anbuvel Rajan.
According to reports, the Adyar police department had transferred to the Central Crime Branch for further probe concerning his allegations, and the Crime Branch had issued summons to the comedian and directed him to appear before the department on October 29 to register his statement to initiate the legal proceedings.
In his complaint, Soori accused Ramesh Kudawla and Anbuvel Rajan of cheating him. According to him, the duo had received Rs 2.70 crore from him with the assurance of providing land in equal value. However, they didn't uphold the assurance and swindled the money. Soori further accused the producer of not paying Rs 40 lakh for acting in the shelved project titled 'Veera Dheera Sooran' in 2015.
As Soori has been summoned to appear, he would be appearing before the Central Crime Branch on October 29 and the reports say that the Crime Branch would also be sending summons to Vishnu Vishal's father Ramesh Kudawla, and film producer Anbuvel Rajan to file their statements towards the case.
Following Soori's complaint and allegations against his father, actor Vishnu Vishal took to Twitter and issued his statement. By posting the statement, Vishnu wrote, "Its easy to accuse others, harder to check on yourself, Bless". In his statement, Vishnu Vishal said, "It is so shocking and painful to read such false allegations against me and my father. Obviously, vested interests are working. In fact, Mr. Suri has to refund Vishu Vishal Studioz an advance paid to him in 2017 for the film 'Kavarimaan Parambarai' which eventually was dropped".
Vishnu Vishal further stated, "We have complete faith in law and judiciary system. It may not be appropriate to elaborate further at this point in time and we will strictly go by what law permits. Fans and well-wishers are requested to await till the moment of truth, emerges. Also request media to report on this with correct facts. Once things are clear I will take proper action within the limits of law".
— VISHNU VISHAL - stay home stay safe (@TheVishnuVishal) October 9, 2020
- BLESS#MOMENTOFTRUTH#உண்மைஒருநாள்வெல்லும்
Vishnu Vishal and Soori have been one of the well-known actor and comedian pairs in the Tamil Cinema. They have acted in several hit movies like 'Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu', 'Velainnu Vanthutta Vellaikaran', 'Kullanari Koottam', and 'Kathanaayagan'. Vishnu Vishal's father Ramesh Kudawla was a former high-ranking police officer in Tamil Nadu. He had served as the Additional Director General of Police and Director of Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services.
In 2013, Ramesh Kudawla was the recipient of the President's Police Medal for distinguished service for the year 2013. Producer Anbuvel Rajan has been known for producing movies like 'Podhu Nalan Karudhi' and 'Veera Dheera Sooran'. According to the latest reports, based on Soori's complaint, Adyar Police had registered a case against Anbuvel Rajan and retired police officer Ramesh Kudawla under five IPC sections.